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Introducing: My Motivators Page

Compare your motivators against others in your team, get actionable insights, and set goals for improvement

Ever wonder what makes your colleagues tick? Or why they get excited about that but not this? Maybe you just can’t figure them out at all, and—worse still—you don’t even know where to start.

If so, you’re not alone.

We all work with people who are different from us, and I don’t just mean those surface-level differences that are pretty easy to determine after a few conversations, but those deep differences that are tied into our value hierarchies, our intrinsic motivations, and the unique way we each see the world.

We created Attuned to give managers a way to visualize these differences, and to help them communicate better with team members who are motivated by different things.

But then we realized that wasn’t enough.

Specifically, we recognized that the benefits of understanding other people’s motivators, and how they relate to one’s own motivations, were too valuable to limit to managers alone.

Which is why we have created our newest and most far-reaching addition to our platform: My Motivators Page.

At its core, My Motivators Page (MMP) is a place where each team member can learn to:

  • Better understand their own motivations

  • More finely align their goals with their unique motivations

  • See how their colleagues’ motivators differ from their own

  • Navigate motivational blindspots with colleagues

  • Have more meaningful conversations with colleagues and managers by using Attuned’s personalized tips based on motivational gaps and blindspots

Awareness of your own motivation

Self-awareness is critical to having a happy and satisfying work life. It’s also a key component for being able to build emotional intelligence towards your colleagues. The more you know about yourself, the more understanding you will develop for those who are different to you. 

Attuned has always carried the promise of increasing your self-awareness in a work context. Now, with MMP, you can move beyond the Motivator Report, which is a wonderful resource, but requires proactive analysis and consideration. MMP, on the other hand, sends you personalized tips that will help you to understand yourself better, without having to do anything other than logging in. You’ll be able to make better decisions, which if done consistently, will add up to a happier and more productive work environment.

Awareness of your team’s motivation

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The real superpower of Attuned is to be able to know someone else’s motivations and value hierarchies, previously unknowable information that is now at your finger tips through Attuned’s Gap Radar.

With the Gap Radar, Motivation Gaps between you and the other members of your team, and even manager, can be viewed in an easy-on-the-eye visual format. You’ll get important insights quickly. This is super useful for not only depersonalizing friction and mitigating conflict, but also developing a common language and understanding the needs of your team members.

What’s more, you will get pinpoint tips on how to adjust your perspective, and how to communicate with colleagues that have motivations on the opposite side of the spectrum to you. Before MMP, people had to go with their gut,and would be frequently wrong in their assumptions of others’ motivations, and often weren’t aware they had blindspots. Now your blindspots will be right in front of you, and you’ll have an up-to-date GPS on your colleagues’ motivations. You’ll also have the tools and personalized advice to make better decisions together, incentivize each other more effectively, and make meetings and communication smoother.

Not so long ago, it was almost impossible to understand someone so deeply without spending months and even years getting to know them. Now that time, and emotional frustration, can be avoided.

Make Attuned part of your team workflow, and someday you’ll thank us for all that time and emotional energy you got back.

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Here at Attuned, we really see MMP as a gift to the world. We truly believe that teams and individuals that use MMP will have more meaningful work lives, better team interactions, and more positive emotional experiences—and, ultimately, more success.

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Casey Wahl

Founder and CEO

Intrinsic Motivator Report